Rose City Labs
Rose City Labs is 100% dedicated to putting science first by converting innovative research and analytics into valuable, reliable, and precise accurate reports, available to all. We create, accelerate, and transform environmental and microbiological testing - with a staff that is devoted to the Rose City Laboratories best practices - which allows us all to thrive in today’s moment. We are the area's leading accredited testing lab, thanks to this team. We ignite transformational change on a daily basis. We have a state-of-the-art facility which is equipped with modern cutting-edge reporting software, high-tech apparatuses, instruments and robotic machinery - and knowledgeable staff that know how to use them. From our top-of-the-line directors, scientists, field techs, researchers, admin and creatives - paired with unmatched technology, our dynamic and talented team sets the bar:
Together, everyone achieves more.